
Creating something by hand can be a rewarding and stress-relieving activity, but if you cant find the time Senior Planet has an answer.Since 2020, Senior Plants Creative Creations group has been meeting online every week to work on and share their creative exploits with each other.Whether youre a knitter or painter, a novice or an expert, all are welcome!Whats special about this group is their unbelievable talent and creativity of course, says the groups facilitator Andrea Hancock.But what I think keeps folks coming back and attracting new ones is the warmth, kindness and generous spirit that fills the Zoom room for that hour.While Andreas favorite creative outlets are singing, songwriting, and baking, long-time attendeeAna Maria Cruz-Valderrama (at left)enjoys beading, crochet and painting.Creative Creations foster participants to continue enjoying life by meeting new friends, learning from other participants, exchanging ideas and having a wonderful time! says Cruz-Valderrama.

I love this program for great socialization and learning opportunities.So if youre thinking of reviving an old hobby or simply want to join a supportive group of fellow creators, come check us out! Bring a craft youre working on, something you just finished, or even a piece youre working on that needs a little help.Creative Creations meets for an hour every Tuesday at 5pm ET info on our next meeting on 5/14, is here.(For a full list of all Senior Planet programs, including Creative Creations, click here).YOUR TURNWhat do you enjoy creating? Let us know in the comments below!Deirdre Lee serves as Director of Virtual Program Experiences for Senior Planet from AARP (formerly managing the organizations licensing program).

Based in Denver, she oversees Senior Planets online programs as well as the free hotline for tech or Senior Planet questions (available at 888-713-3495).

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